Sunday 9 August 2015

Kate Middleton: Hopes to conceive another daughter before her deadline nears

Kate Middleton made in known on many occasions that she always wanted to have three children. Her child rearing plans are to conceive and give birth to all three before she reaches the age of thirty-five. Kate is currently thirty-three years old and wants to have her third child immediately, even though it has only been three months since Princess Charlotte was born so she can follow in her mother’s footsteps and be done having babies at an early age. Her dream is to have a second daughter so that Charlotte can have a sister that is close to her age and develop a sisterly bond like she has with her own sister, Pippa Middleton according to a news story on August 8 shared by Celebrity Dirty Laundry entertainment news.

"Kate is one of three and is very close to her sister Pippa and brother James. Although the Cambridge's already has a boy and a girl they haven’t definitely decided to stop there. They both benefited from growing up with siblings who were close in age. Of course Charlotte is still only a baby, but in a year’s time, who knows?" All good things come in groups of threes, at least from an old wives tale standpoint and this may be their lucky number to complete their family unit, on their terms. When William was confronted with the question of having a third child, he just smiled and it was noticed that he laughed it off instead of actually commenting, that doesn’t mean he has ruled out the idea by any means.
Prince William, on the other hand is said to be putting on the brakes to the royal baby carriage for the time being. His main concern is the severe morning sickness, hyperemesis gravidarum condition Kate has suffered with during both past pregnancies. It seems obvious that he wants his beloved wife to wait and possibly put on a few extra pounds to increase her physical health to enable her to carry another child, hopefully without getting ill this time.

Source: Examiner

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