Saturday 13 May 2017

Can the righteous get depressed?

Nobody is immune to depression. In sickness, the poor and the rich become equals. The way and manner in which the pauper gets depressed, the bourgeoise also falls in the same line. Depression is defined by as ‘feelings of severe despondency and dejection’’. It can strike anyone, unfortunately, so many people live in denial and would hardly accept that they are in a situation where they would need medical help.

The material position of an individual does not exempt him from the misfortunes of life. Infact, in some instances, it is believed that the better one is financially, the more worries he would have (it is not proven yet). Another thing is one’s righteousness or goodness does not guarantee that depression would not visit him and people who do not understand you may think you have offended God for trouble to come upon you.

It is not wrong to be depressed, but staying depressed is the issue. Do not give anyone the responsibility of making you happy. Joy is a decision.  A conscious effort is required always to maintain a joyful state. The bible says, rejoice in the Lord always, again, I say rejoice. It is not easy to be calm and ‘pretend’ when the roof come crashing on someone, but having sleepless nights over what you have no control over will not help either. Depression has led so many to commit suicide since they feel life has lost its meaning for them.

The World Health Organisation says that close to 800,000 die due to suicide every year and there are many more who attempt suicide. It also stated that suicide is the second leading cause of death among 15-29 year olds globally.
Just recently, a medical doctor, Allwell Orji jumped into the lagoon on third mainland bridge and died. Since his death, several other suicide cases have been recorded in various parts of the country. Depression could not be far from the reasons for these unfortunate incidents.   

Remember Job? It was recorded in the bible that, “There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job; and that man was perfect and upright, and one that feared God, and turned away from evil. And there were born unto him seven sons and three daughters…so that this man was the greatest of all the children of the east”.

Job was a man of means and equally perfect in his ways. Even God boasted before Satan about Job, so what could be better than this but you know what? ‘Good man’ Job had trials too. Misfortune befell him and his once beautiful, perfect and organised life fell apart. He lost everything to the extent that his wife advised him to curse God and die. Why Job, you are wont to ask. Why not him? This goes to show that no one is fully free from bad times but the difference lies in how the not-too-good time is handled as well as what one allows to enter into his thought pattern.

Job’s lamentation was obvious in Chapter 10: 1, 18, “My soul loathes my life; I will give free course to my complaint, I will speak in the bitterness of my soul. Why then have you brought me out of the womb? Oh, that I had perished and no eye had seen me!” He lost hope. He could not understand his predicament and he cursed the day he was born, just like saying, ‘God, did I beg you to create me’? This is what goes on in the mind of the depressed and lonely. They question their ability to live and be useful to themselves and the society. It takes will power, God’s grace and the intervention of loved ones to manage depression.

A depressed person could do some or all of the following:
·       Seek medical help

·      Fix your gaze on God, afterall, he promises never to leave nor forsake you. The answer to living a joyful life is found in the word of God.

·   Talk to someone who has the ability to help you. Do not make friends with ‘miserable comforters’ like Job’s friends who multiplied his sorrows instead of offering solution to his predicament.

·      Believe that you can defeat it and come out of it unscathed.
Inspite of Job’s undesirable state, he never lost hope. He still believed God would save him and he did not have to wait too long after that realisation because God came to his rescue and he was restored. God was sure that Job was well equipped to defeat depression and he could trust him not break down so terribly.

Parents should take more interest in their children and wards. There should be some concern when a hitherto boisterous child suddenly becomes quiet, tiptoeing around the house and start avoiding friends, among others. Family members, friends and colleagues should show genuine concern in their loved one’s lives. 

The time has come for friends and family members to learn to visit one another and take genuine interest in each affair. Unfortunately, the social media have totally overtaken visitation with one another. Personal touch is lacking in today’s relationships because so many have jettisoned the warmth of friendship and embraced what the social media put up on offer. Learning to persevere during a very bad situation is a virtue not available to everyone. In the face of total rejection by family, friends and acquaintances, be calm, courageous and trust God because it will do no one any good if they fall into a routine of depression and isolation.