Saturday 6 June 2015

Why do you want to get married?

Have you wondered why people get married? Better still, why would someone desire so desperately to get married? I think one good reason why anyone would want to get married is just to get married.
That you want to marry is not enough reason to tie the knot. There must be several reasons to do so. If you look at it very well, there are so many bad reasons why people jump into marriage.

The fact is, every marriage should have a purpose otherwise, you are obviously getting married for the wrong reasons.
If you want to live a happy life with whomsoever you chose, get married for the right reasons. Let’s look at some wrong reasons why people get married.

Too much pressure from loved ones:
Most times, loved ones who feel that a lady is ‘over ripe’ for marriage put unnecessary pressure on her to get married. Men are not pushed that hard but women find it difficult to concentrate when family members and friends decide to frustrate them with questions like, ‘when are you getting married/you’ve not shown us the man yet/don’t you think you are of age?
The inability to handle this aspect well pushes many a young woman to do the unthinkable – saying yes to the next available guy. The ability to resist pressure from folks will help you think aright.

All my friends are married:
When a lady’s close friends get married, the only thing uppermost in her mind is getting married because she could no longer handle loneliness. There is nothing wrong in being lonely for a while knowing that waiting for the right person would be worth it. Your loneliness would be increased if you get hooked with the wrong person. Do not allow someone else’s status determine how you live your life. Everyone is called and fashioned differently. Loneliness is not desirable but it is better to hang in there rather than rushing in to rush out.

I need someone to take care of and provide for me:
It is wrong from the start. You should be able to cater for yourself and be responsible for your life without depending on anyone for sustenance or support in any way because the moment the care goes, you’d realise you've made a huge mistake. Marriage is not for babies, it requires maturity and planning.

I want to have children:
Children are a great blessing to any union but wanting to get married because you love children or you feel as a lady that your biological clock is ticking so fast is not a good reason to want to get married. It is imperative to understand that children need a loving atmosphere to grow and flourish. They need to be raised in an environment of peace and love. Let your home be a place where love reigns supreme. It should be the concern of anyone going into marriage.

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