Sunday 12 July 2015

Do you know Indians have devised creative ways of cheating during examinations - from bluetooth to bribery?

See BBC's lists of five ingenious ways in which Indians cheat during examinations.
                                                 James Bond style with gadgets
                                                     Strength of numbers
                                             Going pro with official 'solvers'
 Almost everybody knows cheating in an examination is wrong but the act which cuts across nations has gone unabated. instead of being on the decline, many ingenious ways to perpetuate it are on the rise. Cheating during examination does not know creed, colour or tribe; it is found wherever unserious and ill-prepared students are. Examination bodies in Nigeria have had to cancel suspicious results of WASC/GCE/JME because of various degrees of examination malpractice.
more pictures after the cut...

                                                         Old-fashioned bribery
                                                           Social networking
Nigeria is not alone in fighting this scourge, other nations have devised means of combating this menace. Cheating during examinations in India is illegal but it has thrived in so many parts of the country that it has become ingrained in the system. Creative ways of cheating have evolved over the years in India prompting examinations boards to issue a strict set of guidelines which include a dress code for the students re-appearing for the pre-medical exam.

Photo credit: BBC

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