Friday 17 July 2015

President Obama may not eat his grandmother's food afterall when he visits Kenya later this month

       President Obama with his paternal grandmother when he visited Kenya in 2006 as a Senator

President Barack Obama's visit to Kenya, his father's native home later this month has kept most Kenya's in an ecstatic mood especially residents of his Kogelo village, where Obama's father was born and raised. Unfortunately, the United States President will not be visiting his father's ancestral home after the US Ambassador to Kenya Robert Godec told Kenya's KTN TV station that "He has only got a certain amount of time and thus will only be in Nairobi."

But his paternal grandmother Sarah Obama had joined Kogelo residents in requesting a visit from the president. If they don't succeed, what becomes of the local dish his grandmother has promised to serve him as he visits? His relatives may not be happy with this development but Obama is not just anybody, He's the World's President.

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