Saturday 18 July 2015

Nebraska Woman Sues “All Homosexuals”

I saw this online and felt our readers would love it. It's what is in the air globally - the reign of evil but the good will conquer it eventually
 Last week I wrote about the Supreme Court beginning to hear arguments in a historic gay marriage case that could potentially lead to same-sex marriage being approved nationally. And while many rejoiced at the possibility of loving couples across the country finally being able to marry in all 50 states, others adamantly disapproved, turning to their keyboards to share their objections online. However, one Nebraska woman took her opposition to same-sex couples to new heights by deciding to sue all homosexuals. Yes, you read that correctly, the defendant in this case is listed as “Homosexuals.”

According to the, Sylvia Ann Driskell, 66, a self-identified ambassador for God and his son, Jesus Christ, is asking the U.S. District Court of Omaha to decide if homosexuality is a sin or not.
In an apparent seven-page letter sent to the court, Driskell cited Bible passages describing homosexuality as an abomination arguing,
That homosexuality is a sin and that they the homosexuals know it is a sin to live a life of homosexuality. Why else would they have been hiding in the closet(?)
Patheos was able to obtain a copy of the Driskell’s lawsuit, and let me tell you, it is just as bizarre as you would think. Besides being completely handwritten, the letter is written as if Driskell herself believes the true plaintiffs are God and Jesus, and she is merely representing them.

She ends her letter with the following passage (misspellings and all):
I’m sixty six years old, an I never thought that I would see the day in which our Great Nation or Our Great State of Nebraska would become so compliant to the complicity of some peoples lewd behavior.
Why are judges passing laws, so sinners can break religious and moral laws?
Will all the judges of this Nation, judge God to be a lier?
Driskell is said to be representing herself–and apparently, by extension God and Jesus–in the case, which comes as no surprise since no lawyer in their right mind would want to take her case. She is reportedly not answering calls for comments, but I think it’s fair to say both this lawsuit and this woman are a little crazy.


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