Monday 6 July 2015

How not to kill a relationship

A relationship built on lies is bound to fail and most times the idea of the couple coming back together does not arise. A lie no matter how convincing is a tool of deception and imminent heartbreak and any relationship hinged on it is a time bomb ready to explode. Most relationships are built on lies that even those involved find it difficult to trust each other and without trust an affair is doomed for failure. When this becomes the case, there is nothing anybody or expert could do to salvage the situation if a breakup occurs.
Why do lovers lie to each other? It can only be as a result of insecurity and a feeling of inferiority complex. Lying has a way of rearing its ugly head especially when the originator thinks he has outsmarted the other party. It tears relationships apart and makes nonsense of the love they both profess. Telling a lie smacks of indiscipline, lack of taste and trust in oneself because if you are not threatened, you will discuss the issue with your partner. Lying is a constraining factor to a healthy relationship. It should not be touched with a ten foot pole.

Transparency in a relationship is an energizing tonic, a booster and a sine-qua-non in a standard union because you will really see and appreciate your mate better. It is also a sign of maturity and enduring affection for nobody kills what they love. As a matter of fact, lying in relationships is not a mark of hatred but a display of fear of losing what one cherishes if the truth became known. Fear is a torment and a terrible inhibition to one’s ambition in every aspect of human endeavour and should be done away with if success is to be achieved.

Is there a way out? I think there is for every problem comes with its own solution. The only available option is to learn to tell the truth no matter how unpleasant or painful it may be. We have been told severally “to err is human and to forgive divine”. We should learn to let go especially when the offender shows true remorse. You may never know but a little nudge could be just what your romance needs to be rekindled.

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