Monday 13 July 2015

Help! She has a hole in the heart

Godstime Chioma Dim, a two-year-old girl with a hole is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emmanuel Ifeanyi Dim. The birth of every child is always a good thing, worthy of celebration because it's a gift from God. Her birth was equally celebrated but the condition of her health presently has brought untold suffering to her parents and the joy that would have continued has diminished.

The Guardian reports that, 'not only was the baby diagnosed of a multiple congenital anomalies; she was also diagnosed with a hole-in-the-heart. According to a medical report signed by the Head of Department of Pediatrics and Child Heart, Lagos State University Teaching Hospital, (LASUTH) Dr. B. A. Animashaun, the girl’s conditions include anorectal malformations, bilateral Talipes Equinovarius, and acyanotic congenital heart disease, which involved complete Atrioventricular canal defect, additional secundum, Atrial Septal defect, inoderate sized patent Ductus Arteriosus and severe pulmonary artery hypertension'.
She needs our help to live. No amount is small. The father pleads, "We are calling on Nigerians to please come to our aids to save our bundle of joy,” he pleaded Any assistance for baby God’stime can be made to Dim Grace Eberechukwu. Access Bank Account Number: 0027694693 or reach the telephone numbers: 08064805684 and 08061191516.

Photo credit: The Guardian Nigeria

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